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Bible Fellowship Groups: Sunday’s, 9:00-9:45

Snack Sacks

Hunger is a reality for kids in Ashe County. BMBC provides snack bags for two of our elementary schools. If you would like to help us, call the church office for more information.

inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’

11th Hour Food Ministry

Using our mobile trailer we provide meals for people in need.

Good News Club

Every Tuesday at 2 PM, we meet at Westwood Elementary School, for Good News Club.

For Kids K-6th Grade

We offer two power-packed, hours of Bible, Singing and Games.

Senior Service

Weekly visits to our Senior centers to encourage, sing with, and share Jesus.

Operation Christmas Child

BMBC packs over a thousand Shoeboxes every year. Come join us for a packing party. Contact the office for more info.